WhatsApp Web gets an extra layer of security with the introduction of a new screen lock feature, aimed at enhancing user privacy on its platform. The messaging app, owned by Meta, has unveiled this new feature for WhatsApp Web/Desktop, aiming to secure the application from unauthorized access through the requirement of a password. Initially in development, this feature has been rolled out for selected beta testers who are using the latest version of WhatsApp Web and are part of the official beta program, as reported by WABetaInfo.
With the activation of the screen lock feature, WhatsApp Web becomes locked, prompting users to enter a password before accessing their chat list. Users can check if this feature is available for their account by navigating to User Settings > Privacy. If eligible, a screen lock access point will be displayed. Users can configure when the password prompt should appear. If a password is forgotten, logging out from WhatsApp Web and rescanning the QR code is necessary.
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Enabling the screen lock feature adds an additional layer of privacy. Even if someone gains physical access to the user’s computer, they won’t be able to view chats or messages without the password. Furthermore, push notifications won’t be displayed when the screen is locked, ensuring that conversations remain private and unauthorized individuals cannot access personal information.
The screen lock feature is gradually being rolled out with the latest version of the WhatsApp Web beta. It is expected that more individuals will receive the update in the coming weeks.
Additionally, WhatsApp has resolved an issue for Android devices with the widget of the app through a bug-fix beta update. Users are advised to install the latest beta update (version from the Google Play Store to benefit from this improvement.