In the 28th March 2023 episode of Happu Ki Ultan Paltan, we see Happu playing a prank on his wife Rajesh by pretending to be asleep. As Rajesh tries to wake him up for work, Happu keeps faking his sleep, resulting in a hilarious sequence of events. After finally waking up, Happu goes to work where he receives a strange complaint from a mysterious woman who wants her husband arrested for not doing household chores. Happu soon realizes that the woman is actually his own wife Rajesh, who is using a fake name to get back at him for the prank earlier. The episode ends with Happu and Rajesh reconciling and sharing a sweet moment together.
Key points:
– Happu plays a prank on Rajesh by pretending to be asleep
– Rajesh retaliates by pretending to be a stranger and complaining about her husband to Happu
– The two reconcile at the end of the episode