Contractual teachers can apply for state awards on Teacher’s Day: Punjab Education Minister



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Punjab Education Minister News-min

Punjab’s Education Minister Harjot Singh Bans announced on Saturday that contractual teachers working in the state’s Education Department can apply for state awards given by the government on Teacher’s Day (September 5). This includes teachers from categories such as Education Providers, AI, EGS, STR, and AIEEI.

Bans stated that the government acknowledges the significant contributions of these teachers who have been tirelessly working within the department for a long time. He mentioned that in the past, these teachers were referred to as “temporary teachers” which undermined their dignity and the lack of regular salary created financial difficulties for them. He highlighted that the Punjab government has regularized the services of 12,710 teachers in the state and provided them with higher salaries.

He emphasized that these teachers are equally eligible for recognition and awards like other teachers. He mentioned that so far they have not been given the “State Award,” which was incorrect. Therefore, in this category, five special awards have been introduced for teachers.

Bans informed that the application portal will remain open until August 18th for teachers to apply.

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